Starting Over Again

Well I’ve had this site for a long time. I’ve tried multiple times to keep updating it with different layouts, different ideas and it always fall on to the back burner.  So I decided that this site will be content for the Honda Fit community, being a Fit owner and always seeing the same questions over and over I think it time to have all our question (The most common anyway) answered in one place which is here.

For now I started a F.A.Q. Page and I’ll be adding more soon. I have a few ideas like a page just about wheel fitment, a page with a for race car stuff and a few other things. I’ll keep you all posted when I figured out some other ideas. That’s it for now until the next post

Oh also shotout to the guys at TrueFitCrew on Facebook and we have a lot of great people in the community and a lot of OG’s so if your one of them thank you for sharing and helping the community grow.